Serving Southwest Florida
Welcome to the official website of the Gulf Coast PBA, proudly serving law enforcement in the great state of Florida!
The Florida PBA is comprised of individual chapters and charters from various geographic regions across the state. The Gulf Coast PBA is one of those chapters. The total membership of the Florida PBA exceeds 36,000 people!
For members of the Gulf Coast PBA, this is your resource for news, information and support. For the public, this is your one-stop to learn about the PBA’s rich history, position on today’s issues and future goals.

The PBA in Brief
The PBA advocates the position of the law enforcement personnel in:
- Contract Negotiations
- Labor Management Meetings
- Grievance Procedures
- Legislature
- The Courts
The Association also provides a benefits package designed to protect members and their families. Constant efforts are always being made to update and improve benefits. By belonging to the PBA, you ensure your future, as well as the future of your family, will be brighter and more secure!